Donating to Ponyride is simple!

Ponyride is a collaborative community space. It’s changing how traditional economic development is done in Detroit. Ponyride nurtures collaboration and ideas to cultivate opportunities created by the strengths and crises of Detroit. Participants serve Detroit communities by sharing their craft and expertise.

A  recurring monthly donation helps us continue to:

  • Develop programming for entrepreneurs and artists to engage to continue to grow and expand their businesses
  • Complete capital improvements on our building
  • Develope a retail environment for new entrepreneurs
  • Support low cost efforts for ideation and growth

Our mission is to nurture collaboration using shared resources, knowledge, and networks to cultivate opportunities created by the strengths and crises of Detroit. Participants serve Detroit communities by sharing their craft and expertise. We provide affordable space so that organizations, non-profits, for-profits can take a risk and start a business here in Detroit.

Donation here:

Or you can send a check payable to:

5203 Loraine St. #170
Detroit, MI 48208